The note of Firefox+Foxyproxy+Shadowsocks settings


Recently, my chrome is so slow in power that makes me have to switch for Firefox. so I tend to fill basic chrome plugins into Firefox, such as surfing online in a scientific way.

In the flowing you can knows:

  • how to config Firefox+Foxyproxy+Shadowsocks
  • some friendly plugins improve your UX/UE



Before the configure, we should build the environment of Shadowsocks and install the plugins Forxyproxy;

in order to understand clearly, the page will give more images to the details.

Install Foxyproxy

we can get the Foxyproxy plugin in the Firefox Extensions, like the flowing images:

find Forxyproxy

install Forxyproxy

Config Proxy Server

Now, we can see the orange fox icon at the toolbar, click and config proxy server.

open the Forxyproxy

click Forxyproxy

create a new proxy server

new proxy server

named proxy server

named proxy server

config proxy server

config proxy server

click Subscription Model

Subscription Model

fill the Subscription address, options:

Subscription address

Subscription address

launch open world



  • before brow limited page please open the Shadowsocks
  • please keep Shadowsocks port same with your Shadowsocks server

