Symbols count in article: 3.1k|Reading time ≈3 mins.
2018 新开年,大家都在微信小游戏 『 跳一跳 』 中玩了个痛快。很快这个游戏被开发者玩坏了:腾讯微信跳一跳破解(目前最高19844分)。
自己也尝试了一把,真机测试能够达到 『 495 分 』,不想再刷了,附上机器跳一跳第二把的视频:
Your browser does not su
Symbols count in article: 3.6k|Reading time ≈3 mins.
Recently, my chrome is so slow in power that makes me have to switch for Firefox. so I tend to fill basic chrome plugins into Firefox, such a